Time Synchronization

Next generation wireless sensor networks (WSNs) require “100% reliability”, “high throughput”, “low standby power”, and “low latency”. Toward this, we developed a versatile WSN platform “Choco” where concurrent transmissions and dynamic scheduling realize routing-less, efficient and reliable multi-hop communications. Choco enables not only extremely quick and flexible communications between end nodes, but also low standby power, fast forwarding, and low latency notifications. In addition, high reliability is ensured by the acknowledgements between end nodes. The implementation shows that Choco improves efficiency by 10X over the conventional collection protocol and can efficiently support burst traffics. Furthermore, we are implementing Choco into several new applications such as surveillance cameras, audible sound measurement, and structural health monitoring. Finally, in order to allow multiple nearby Choco-enabled applications to co-exist unaffectedly, we are working on improving the robustness of Choco under co-channel interference scenarios.